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Living the Life Of Dream

Well, this might seem irrational, but it is quite true. You can never live a life of your dream. Earlier, when I use to write, I use to think what people will think after they read what I have written. But, I never tried to write what I thought because I thought, what I thought is too general and irrelevant for people to read. 

But, it is quite true that I too, like to read things that are mostly irrelevant due to the approach we have in our life towards everything that matters. So, the synergy, or more appropriately, the sync between the mind and the pen is prerequisite for writing what you are thinking, no matter what others think, when they read or in my case, they never do. 

Now, coming back to the living the life of my dream. If you start living the life of your dream, then, in a way, it would be a betrayal to your dream because what will dream be then, if you mix it up with reality or, join the reality and the dream. That is, for me, is a sad moment in any one's life, but traditionally and mostly or commonly, that is never the case. 

The Present

The act of completion of the dream is an event for celebration. The very act of dreaming hints that you are unhappy with the reality. This then leads to the dissatisfaction with the reality and you travel to the world of dreams to find the solution. And, when we complete our dreams, we seem to be happy for a moment until the reality kicks in with another problem. So, the war never stops in one's lifetime. 

You can never be content and satisfied if you are dreaming. It only leads to the unpleasant experiences in reality. So, one may ask, what is the solution to break the cycle. 

Either, live with the reality or die dreaming. People rejoice fulfilling their dream and making it a reality. And, I think they are not respecting their dreams. But, they like to think that, it is a continuous process, like stacks, where you replace a dream with another. 

Dreams are pseudo-realities for people, who like to achieve their dream. It is a mere reflection of their imagination with a hint of limitation of their current reality. 

The Past

So, another theory which is worthless goes like this; as no one really knows where dreams are kept, so why waste a dream to the real world or, why not keep all the dreams. But, don't you think, according to the current thinking, that would be so much burden for an individual. I mean, keeping all your unfulfilled dreams in a cabinet of your worthless mind.

If for a moment, you try to recollect all the dreams you had since your birth and make a library of it, wouldn't be that great? But, No, that itself is a dream for a very few of us. 

We like to complete our dreams because for most of us the core idea of dreaming or, the basic and most important aim of dreaming is creating a reality of our dreams. We wish to pursue dreams because that's what we like our reality to be in real life too and not only in our dreams. And, that becomes the mission of our life or real life. 

We do not treat dreamworld as another world but a world for which we have to work harder. Dreaming with a purpose is a fruitful exercise for humankind as it has helped us in so many of our inventions and discoveries. 

Who wouldn't agree with that? But, if we think what would have happened if mankind would have never made any effort to complete any of their dreams, would we be still be living in stone age?  The answer is yes, that may be partially true, or maybe not, we do not know for sure because we never actually took that path.

So, if we keep dreaming and keep bringing our dreams to realities, then it may be possible that one day we would have nothing to dream because we would have closed the gap between dreams and realities. But, that can never be made possible. Because we are the most unsatisfied creature on the planet, in every possible way. 

This is also one of the qualities, which has brought us where we are and will lead us into the future, where we will go. Hence, it works both ways. This is an open-end well, without a depth and limit, or with an infinite capacity. So, the correlation between progress and dream is certain and evident. 

But, the possibility of extinction of dreams for mankind is not necessarily true. Because, as we keep making new realities, we keep manufacturing dreams. They are simultaneous exercises in which the rate of creating dreams is always infinite times faster than rate of creating a reality. 

The Future

Many of us like to live in our dream world, or as they say, it makes living in the reality easier because the reality is bound by constraints, and dimensions and rules for the players. On the contrary, dreams are open and depend only on our imagination, which can be limited by our reality in the current situation or past happenings.

What actually limits many of us to dream bigger in life is our own inherent bias and limitations acquired through series of experiences in reality of daily life. The center does revolve around us as we are the center of the universe, no matter on which part of the earth you reside.

Finding comfort in other's dream completion is another common exercise of the mankind. Since we share so much in common, we are bound to share many of the dreams which may be personal or general. 

This is also the cause of slow development and growth in any part of the world while high growth and development in many other parts of the world. 

The rate of completion of dreams into reality is a strong metric for the development of a region, which is, the reality is dependent on many other factors. 

So, to define a state for the human mind, we need to know in which state is she right now or would like to be, when making an important discovery or inventions. So, that we can decide which state is better after thorough study which shall be backed by data and not by the hypothetical rant of a lad. 

The research is long and expensive. The demarcation of the state is confusing at times since the behavior in both the states, for most of us is coinciding and mixed up. The metrics and factors on which the study will be dependent are complex and evolutionary in nature, but for the study purposes, we shall define them in a proper context and limitation.

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