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10 Points From The Book "Man's Search for Meaning Of Life" Written By Viktor Frankl

The Meaning Of Life


The meaning Of Life, as we know it, varies person to person or Moment to moment. There is nothing new to be said about it. We know enough about life to live a peaceful life. Many books and research ultimately suggest the similar answer. Recently, I read the Book called Man's Search for meaning , which is a famous book by  Viktor_Frankl, who was a holocaust survivor. He was also an eminent psychiatrist, who founded a new field of therapy called logotherapy(logos means meaning). At this point, it is a mere coincidence that I, too was searching for a book in the genere of self help. Because, since ages, I had left reading books altogether. And, as the research suggests, most of the adults read fewer books after the college and that is quite true for my life too, until now. Hence, this book was a refreshing read after many years in this particular genre. Well, i had the summary of the book on my computer because i had heard about it a long time ago and wanted to read it but could not do so. So, a few things, which were surprising to me when i received the book were that, the book has less than 200 pages. 

  1. Find out the "Why" of Life and You shall know the "HOW" of life.
  2. Life is like a Movie, you live for each moment and get to know the meaning at the end of it. 
  3. The meaning of life changes at each moment even when the meaning and the logic are not clear at the moment
  4. There are many ways to know the meaning of life, what matters is the attitude at the moment
  5. Be Worthy Of Your Sufferings, They are also one of the ways to know the meaning of life
  6. Ask not what you expect from life but ask what life expects from you.
  7.  The key is to not to focus too much on the meaning or the consequence rather than the actions and the each moment of life. As millions of moments together create a beautiful life.
  8. Each moment offers an opportunity to become a better version of yourself than you were in your earlier life. You are never the same again at any moment. Keep running for your goal.
  9. Each Life has a meaning even if you are unaware of it at the moment
  10. " Live as if you were living for the second time and had acted as wrongly the first time as you are about to act now"

The book is a must read for everyone even if you were born yesterday. It is a short trip with all the positive and meaningful moments. The book has less pages than you expect because each word written in the book is gold. This reminds me that i need to read it for the second time. 

The Real Meaning Of Life IS YOU

Well, to know the meaning of life, you do not necessarily have to suffer. It  is the action and attitude which makes all the difference. And, these understandings become more clearer when you do what you love and know why you are doing it. So, no matter how many books we read or how many cities we travel, the definitive meaning of life is defined by you. Each being has its own set of rules or principles which one follows or tries to follow to make his life more peaceful and smooth. What did you choose and what will you choose?


A lady asked him, why he continues to write in german language, the language of Germany and Hitler. After a brief moment, he replied to the lady asking why she chooses to use knives, which have been used for many murders and stabbings.

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