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The Experience OF Compulsive Over Thinking

Designed to perform at will, our mind works in many different ways. Sometimes, it works perfectly fine as we want it to be,but sometimes it creates its own path which , in fact is also our choice. The degree of thinking required according to a situation can be based on multiple factors, such as the impact of the situation on our daily life, time and space constraints , number of dependent factors and others. Considering the possibilities of a simple action which we take in our daily life, the conscious brain   performs such task without thinking. But, actually that is not the case. An automated thinking occurs in the situations which we have experienced multiple times in our life. A situation where we are aware of the number of metrics and factors which can change the situation's outcome can be regarded as general situation or a simple situation. This includes basic activities performed by human beings for their survival, such as breathing, walking and interaction etc. Another category of all other situations can be put into the complex situation box. This is a rather large and broader term for all the other situations, but it has many subcategories, such as emotional, professional and existential. Well, the degree of impact on our life factor is a common metrics in all kinds of situations. The time spent on thinking about a situation is a very good indicator of deciding the seriousness of the situation or the importance of the situation's outcome in our life. The quality of resources used to find the solution for a situation is another important metric in deciding the quality of the solution. All these factors tends to work regressively in many situations leading to the delay in the results we want. The balance required in maintaining the level of the factors which impacts the situation is tremendous and can only be learned over time.

Classified World OF Situation

For many, everything in the world appears black and white. For them, There are only two situations; good and bad. But, many of them ultimately realize that all the situations are beneficial for the human beings if certain tasks are performed after every situation. To define the situation into categories can be a difficult task if we are unaware of the parameters on which we can group them. Well, these parameters are deeply personal and very common depending upon the situation as would be proven by many psychological studies and research.

The Result and The Process

The path we take to achieve certain task can also be a good indicator of our thinking abilities. For many, process doesn't matter as long as the results are in their favour. The standardization of a process for a certain task creates a limit and sets a global framework for achieving the results. Well, it really doesn't matter if you do not care. But, it really matters, if you care about the journey. The end will be same for everyone , what separates us from each other is the quality of journey.  

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